Manage your current membership plan - including upgrading, cancelling and changing payment card details.
1. Navigate to the top right of the platform site and open the 'manage account' drop-down menu by clicking on your profile icon. 2. Click on the 'Your Membership Plan' menu item. 3. Navigate down to the 'Payment Method' section and click on th ...
1. Navigate to the top right of the platform site and open the 'manage account' drop-down menu by clicking on your profile icon. 2. Click on the 'Your Membership Plan' menu item. 3. Navigate down to the 'Cancel Subscription' section and click ...
1. Navigate to the top right of the platform site and open the 'manage account' drop-down menu by clicking on your profile icon. 2. Click on the 'Your Profile' menu item. 3. You can update your photo, name, password, enable two factor authenticati ...